Do you need to know everything about UI/UX before you make the career switch?

ckm’s thoughts
2 min readJan 16, 2022

Simple Answer

The simple answer is it depends. It’s depends on you do you have the drive & hungry to switch from your grad job or a job that pays 30k even after 3 years of the same s***. Now I know I just put a lot of people in a box as, I’m very aware that people on well over 30k switch over to UI/UX. At the start you will have to graft & look for contracts which may not pay that much, but once you’ve got your foot in the door the possibilities are endless.

Glass Elevator

Honestly making the switch was the greatest thing I have ever done it allowed me control of you I speak to on a daily basis. I removed needless conversations from my life, but the greatest thing I never have to travel to work. My desk in my room is my office I make £££ every month just from being at home. This means I save more as I don’t drive to work something which no company reimburse’s you for & they should but that’s for another time. I really feel as though 1 more year in this field for me & the sky just the beginning.


Now this is something you will have to accept quite quickly, you will be on your PC/Laptop for a lot of the hours. This is at the start when you are working on multiple projects & you need to churn out idea after idea & design after design. You will get sick of looking at your own work but as long as the clients are happy that’s all that matters. Being able to be sat in one place all day is a challenge for some people as lot of people need to be around others to feel as though they are safe or joyful. I myself find joy in knowing that because I sit here most of the day I’ll be able to look after everyone I love.

I don’t need to know ANYTHING!? Hmmm

Honestly many people working right now have transferable skills which could be utilised in UI/UX. For example working on the checkout at a retail shop you have experience in dealing with customers/users problems and fixing them that’s all UI/UX really is. Obviously you’ll need to learn tools when you’re in the field.

What tools then?

Really to start you’ll need to know how to use Figma and that’s it. Figma is a very intuitive program which helps you along the way to achieving beautiful screens. If you u have ever used photoshop or sketch then you’ll be able to pick Figma up relatively quickly.

Message me if you’re worried or have any questions on UI/UX.

