28 Life Tips: Things I’ve Learned in 28 Years

ckm’s thoughts
3 min readMar 19, 2023

Hello, I’d like to share some life tips that I’ve learned over the years. I hope they’ll help you in your own journey.

1. Always try to see the item in person if it costs over £100 before ordering online.

2. Don’t worry too much about what others think. Remember, everyone has their own problems to deal with.

3. Drink alcohol in moderation and responsibly.

4. If you choose to experiment with drugs, make sure you’re with someone who’s done it before. (I’m not saying do drugs but if you have good friend it’s gonna happen!)

5. Make your mind up before you get to the bar. If you don’t drink well done and get yourself a water.

6. Learn how to drive at 18, it will save you time and hassle later on.

7. Go on holiday or travel at least 2–3 times a year, even if it’s just a short trip. The experience will be worth it.

Photo by Vidar Nordli-Mathisen on Unsplash

8. Build a tight circle of friends who have each other’s backs.

9. Drink water (A lot of it.)

10. Save 35% of your income every month for your future, without hesitation.

11. Create a savings account that is not easily accessible to you for emergencies and long-term goals. (Links from point 10)

12. Consider going to university, get that out off your system early, but remember to keep in touch with your uni friends even after you graduate.

13. Host house parties or book a venue for birthday celebrations instead of going clubbing. It’s cheap and way more fun.

14. Drive manual cars for a while before switching to automatics. It will make you a better driver.

15. Don’t f*** with police they can do way worse to you in the long run.

16. Never drink and drive. Call an taxi or a friend to drive you home.

17. Take care of your mental and physical health by taking time off when you need it.

18. Work hard at your job until your side hustle overtakes it in terms of income, then quit your job and focus on your side hustle.

19. Respect your elders and learn from their experiences.

20. Your parents are not just helpers, they’re people too. Call them when you need support or guidance.

21. Celebrate your 21st birthday with a bang and invite everyone you know.

Photo by Kortnee Greenfield on Unsplash

22. Express your love to your family and friends on a regular basis.

23. Fix things that you can as soon as possible to avoid unnecessary pain.

24. Play with children whenever you can, and cherish the moments you spend with them. Who knows what they might learn from you.

25. Exercise at least 5 hours a week to stay healthy and active.

26. Limit your coffee intake and avoid drinking it after 1pm to avoid jitters.

27. Take a walk every day, even if it’s just a short one to the local shop or around your area.

28. Take your time and avoid rushing through life’s moments.

Thank you for taking the time to read these tips. I hope they will be helpful in your own life journey. Remember to live each day to the fullest and enjoy the ride!


